Easter Eggs

Have you colored your Easter eggs?

Tomorrow, we break out the dye and get colorful.

For the past few years, we’ve been coloring brown eggs for Easter. I love the rich, jewel tones that we can achieve by dyeing brown eggs.

eggs close up
Cute bunny!


We use your garden variety egg dyeing kit and follow the kit directions to prepare the dye. I’ve always wanted to dive into natural dyes for the eggs, but I haven’t gotten there yet.

Our boys always like to design a special egg for each family member, including our boxer, Mugsy.  They draw designs, using a white crayon, before they put the egg in the dye cup.

 How do you say no to this face?!


The brown eggs take longer to accept the color. Be prepared to wait about eight to ten minutes per egg. Don’t let this scare you off. The boys and I use the wait time to make cookies, prepare a pie for the oven, or play a game.

Modified Monopoly.  R2 won, of course.


Family time and beautiful eggs, a perfect combination.

Enjoy your Easter!

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